September 8, 2024
Threads finally starts its own fact-checking program

Meta’s newest social network, Threads, is starting its own fact-checking program after piggybacking on Instagram and Facebook’s network for a few months.

Instagram head Adam Mosseri noted that the company “recently” rolled out the ability for fact-checkers to rate and mark false content on Threads. However, Mosseri didn’t share any details about when exactly the program was rolled out and if it was limited to any geographies.

It is also not clear which organizations are Meta’s fact-checking partners for Threads. We have asked the company for more details, and will update the story if we hear back.

The move seems to be largely in preparation for the upcoming U.S. elections. India is in the middle of its general elections as well, but it is unlikely that a social network rolls out a fact-checking program during an election cycle instead of commencing the project before it the elections.

In December, Meta said that it wanted to bring the fact-checking program to Threads.

“We currently match fact-check ratings from Facebook or Instagram to Threads, but our goal is for fact-checking partners to have the ability to review and rate misinformation on the app,” Mosseri had said in a post at that time.

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